What to Expect
Expect expositional preaching. The centerpiece of our worship service is the preached Word. Here at SWHCC we preach through books of the Bible expositorily allowing the full council of God’s word to speak into the lives of God‘s people.
Expect to sing, pray and hear the Gospel. We are gospel centered and sculpted church. As such you will hear the gospel in all that we do throughout the worship service.
Expect a deeper, longer time of prayer. At SWHCC, we practice both congregational and pastoral prayer times on alternating weeks and endeavor to spend a more significant period of time together in this posture before the Lord in our worship service .
Expect a blended musical experience. We understand that Colossians 3:16 teaches us to sing a variety of music which is saturated with the Word of God. Thus we sing psalms put to music, gospel-centered contemporary songs as well as lay hold of our roots by singing the great hymns of our faith.
Expect inter-generational worship. Although we offer childcare from birth to five years old downstairs during worship, we understand that many families prefer to worship together. Children of all ages are more than welcome in the worship service. A space is provided downstairs during worship (video and audio of the service) for parents of children that are restless.
Expect a more casual worship attire. Come as you are. People dress as they see fit but predominately the attire is casual. You’ll find the pastor preaching in slacks and a golf shirt in the summer and button-down oxford in the winter.
Expect to stay and fellowship. We offer coffee and light refreshments downstairs in the fellowship hall during the colder months and lemonade on the lawn during warmer weather. We encourage all of our guests stay so that we can get to know one another.